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Here’s a bonus: 5 things I wish I started doing 10 years ago.

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Like the proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” 

Some of these things I do quite often. I still struggle with others, but I try to do my best. 

#1 Watch Your Health 

I’ve been tracking my weight using a free app called Happy Scale. I know some folks are hesitant to measure their weight, but when done in a healthy way, regular tracking allows me to stay “in check.” It also allows me to better understand my body. I know that a bowl of pho is going to make me go up on the scale, but it’s just water weight. I am not looking at the daily ups and downs, but the big trends. 

Normally when I gain weight, it’s progressively. Little by little. This app helps me catch those moments where things start to spike. 

Another app I use is MyFitnessPal. I wish I could say that I’m more diligent with this one, but it allows me to track my calories and also my macronutrients. Don’t know what macros are? Here’s a great little video

Now, don’t get me wrong — this is an area of life I STRUGGLE with. I love chips and queso. I’m also a stress eater, so I need to keep myself in line. 

We must also learn to love our bodies. They will never measure up to some fake notion of perfection. Trust me: I’m 5 ‘7 and husky. But we should strive to be healthy individuals. We need to exercise. Watch what we eat. Eat less “food-like substances” and try to eat more real foods. 

#2 Turn Your Car Into A School 

I’ve converted my commute times in the car to moments of learning. I used to listen to a bunch of political podcasts, but the commentary was so toxic to my soul. It made me anxious and frustrated all at the same time. Don’t get me wrong: I still get my news fix, but it’s not the only thing I listen to.  

The vast majority of my time, I listen to audiobooks. I use Audible probably too much and argue whether it actually counts as reading or not since I’m technically listening to books. 

I think, how can I be a better husband? Well, I’m sure there is a book out there. How can I grow my business? There’s a book out there. Just don’t have a fixed mindset and keep learning. Be hungry to learn. Feed your mind with useful information instead of mindless distracting junk. 

#3 Take time to practice gratitude 

Most nights, I write in my five-year journal. It’s a moment for me to pause and practice gratitude. Some nights my entries are simple: I’m grateful for my wife and my kids. Other nights I’ll share frustration or concerns or prayer. This exercise allows me to be mindful about my days, and it leads me toward gratitude. Often our dissatisfaction stems from not practicing gratitude daily in our lives.

#4 Keep a Budget 

I’m a big fan of Mint. I use it to track all my daily spending habits and create categories for different budget items. It also gives me my credit score. One thing I wish I would have done differently is to save more. I’ll admit, sometimes I fall prey to consumerist forces and buy junk I don’t need, but this app helps me track my spending. I strive for simplicity and a budget that is aligned with my values. 

#5 Pray and Find Inspiration 

When I say to pray, you may be rolling your eyes. Or maybe you’re like, finally he talks about something spiritual! For me, prayer is essential. I grew up in a charismatic household, so prayer meant something quite different during my upbringing. But, as an adult, I’ve had to discover prayer in new ways. Ways that are relevant to me and allow me to connect with God. Most nights, I use an app called Lectio365. It allows me to recenter my scattered senses upon the presence of God. Besides praying, the app also has a small devotional. It’s a great way for me to end my evenings. 

Final thoughts

These are just some things I wish I would have picked up earlier in life. I’m a big believer in taking small steps in the right direction. Maybe you won’t accomplish everything in a month… but can you start with just a little today? As Eugene Peterson says, life is a “long obedience in the same direction.”

Again, I’m just grateful that you’re on this path with me to learn more about faith, business, and everyday life together. 
